India Tax Reforms – Transparent Taxation
India Tax Reforms – Transparent Taxation The Indian government since 2014 has been focussing on reforming India’s tax structure by introducing new forms of direct and indirect taxes and alleviating the way of tax filing compliances from the 70+ year old age ridden ways post-independence. The government claims to follow its vision of minimum government and maximum governance. This means it intends to take all steps to reduce the interference of the government in the lives and business affairs of its citizens. For this, the government aims to make optimal utilization of technology and inject efficiency, integrity and consideration in the bureaucracy. The thinking and approach of the entire tax system is hereby envisioned for overhaul and innovation. Today, India clocks 63 rd globally in the World Bank ranking for Ease of doing Business. India is seeing foreign investors pouring investment as the government has boosted confidence and welcomed global ...