Cash is King – Covid-19 times!!!
Cash is King – Covid-19 times!!! Just out of nowhere, the Covid-19 contagion has taken the world by storm. This new virus, first detected in China around December 2019 end has by this April infected people across 210 countries globally by now with over 2.5 Million cases reported and taking lives of as many as 117 thousand people. As a result, impact on communities, ecosystems and supply chains have been far reaching. Particularly, the supply chains across raw materials to finished products and services will have economic financial ramifications on a large scale which are still being ascertained and could be unprecedented. One of the crucial implications that businesses will ultimately face as a result of all supply chain disruptions are their Cash Flows and this shouldn’t be undermined by anyone. In this article, we shall try to suggest strategies that organizations could use to mitigate losses in business during this turbulent scenario. To start, a ...